Getting a good balance of essential fats seems to really help the body maintain healthier looking skin. Here are just a few of the many reports on benefits seen in a number of skin conditions.
♦ Severe dyshidrotic eczema (eruption on palms of hands) resulting in intermittent cracking and painful fissures has also almost completely disappeared.
♦ Just completed a full week (week 1!) of TQI, and I am feeling great! Some areas of eczema (in the webs between the fingers on my right hand) have cleared. However, the tip of my right-hand ring finger still has some cracking/peeling on the tip but doesn’t seem as severe.
♦ My skin tone has evened out.
♦ My skin glows, something I forgot to mention before.
♦ My weight is good, my energy is good but the big thing for me is that my rosacea is receding.
♦ I took the class on line last summer but didn’t get serious about doing the plan until Dec 31st. I was finally tired of aching joints, eczema covering the fingers of my right hand for over 4+ years, and weight going up and up. Now, I have lost 21.3# and best of all – last week I noted the eczema is gone.
♦ I’ve lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks, I sleep better (no question about it), my knees don’t hurt, my acid re-flux is much better, and in another couple of weeks I plan to stop taking dapsone (for Celiac related dermatitis herpetiformis).