An Approach to the 2020 Pandemic


There are always silver linings, even in the worst of times.

One such is that the current pandemic is motivating us to do things we really should be doing in the best of times:

  1. Washing our hands frequently and keeping surfaces around us as clean as possible.
  2. Learning how to keep our hands away from our faces.
  3. Learning to stay home when we start to feel under the weather so as not to spread disease.
  4. Having an emergency supply of the basics, from toilet paper to food and water to a supply of medications we might need in a pandemic, an earthquake, or other catastrophic event.

        AND add to that something many need to get started on soon: Eating well to quiet inflammation. I have put together a 9 minute long VIDEO here that explains why I think this is of such importance. And it is important even if this virus quickly fades out of sight, unlikely as that seems. And, as promised, I have added a video on cytokine storms and other immune reactions to pandemic viruses HERE. It’s 15 minutes long, if you prefer you can read the text instead here.

          Of course, even if SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes CoVid-19 melts away, it is quite possible that it will come storming back in the fall. That is how the 1918 flu pandemic took off. It began in March and then faded over the summer, returning in a very deadly form in the fall. Or a milder corona virus might hit at the same time as seasonal flu, magnifying the symptoms of each other. So, we should not let our guard down and stop being careful.

          While coping with a looming pandemic is great concern, I try to focus on the fact that even in the 1918 pandemic, 60 percent of the people did not get the flu. And most of the world’s population did not die. Many who worked closely with flu victims either did not get sick or recovered if they did. Our goal currently should be to optimize our chances of being in the healthy group, especially if we are “elderly” or have a chronic ailment. But do not think you are home scot free even if you are reasonably young and healthy: Some 60% of Americans are said to be very inflamed and have inflammatory cytokines that are double or triple what a truly healthy person’s are. They are the “normal weight obese,” and they are not all elders. Their level of inflammation puts them at risk for chronic ailments and a heightened risk of complications from respiratory viruses.

          Given our ingrained habit of eating lots of poor quality food ingredients mixed with chemicals, sugar, pesticide & herbicide residue, most of us are very inflamed and hence susceptible to contracting a more complicated case of a viral illness. To change that, and increase our odds of staying healthy, we should really work on eating better NOW. I am, of course, biased but I do think that this is best done by getting on the TQI Diet with very occasional special occasions. Yes, this means eating out less and cooking more. It takes practice to make healthy eating as satisfying as a diet loaded animal proteins (think pizza, bacon, butter & cheese) and sugars but it will quiet inflammation in ways that most diets do not.

          And those of us suddenly working at home or eating out far less, can take the time to watch a few cooking videos on how to prepare some quick, healthy meals. We can order seed and plant a garden – I’ve ordered kale and spinach seed to grow on my deck. It’s small scale but will keep me in greens if I am quarantined or food is in short supply come fall. And plants in pots will grow without my having to worry about snails, slugs, weeds, and deer.

          My book, pictured below, details how medicinal herbs were used successfully in the 1918 flu. It also discusses how some of those those remedies might be helpful in this – or any – pandemic. Those with gardens could plant some herbs and have medicines and soothing teas on hand for the fall.

          There is much to be said for the joys and benefits of becoming a bit more self-sufficient. There is yet much more to be said for sleeping well, feeling energetic and as healthy as possible whether one is in a pandemic or not. Reason enough to I think to start following the TQI Diet.

My Book on Herbs & Influenza

          I just updated and reprinted this book and it is available for purchase below.

          As well, I will be adding a video that delves a bit more deeply into the science of using herbs for respiratory viruses. So check back from time to time — I hope to have that done soon as well.

Herbs and Influenza
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