♦     I also have no night sweats (menopause symptom) on most nights, which is exceptional and probably contributing to my blissful sleep.

♦     Night sweats and interrupted sleep patterns- These occurred several days per week, but were more annoying than debilitating. The improvement is profound since starting the TQI diet.

♦     The things that have improved for me include relief from arthritis pain in my hands (the reason I took the class), relief from heartburn, seasonal allergies (both winter and summer), I lost 19 pounds and my cholesterol dropped 19 points, seldom have hot flashes and the anxiety that accompanied them, and my memory has improved.

♦     I haven’t slept so well in years and the hot flashes are abating. Before starting the diet I was having lots of days where I felt dizzy, had a headache and brain fog. My PT thought I was having symptoms of migraine. I haven’t experienced any of those symptoms since starting the diet.

♦     I’m doing pretty well this week. Most of the body aches and pains that I occasionally suffer from have subsided now that I am at least 95% on the elimination diet. My hot flashes have decreased from 25 times A-day to about 2 or 3 times A-day.


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