Headaches, Migraines


♦     My husband and I took your class last fall. Such a gift. My migraines hardly occur anymore (and when they do, I know the cause). I used to not like to travel because I would be afraid of an unexpected migraine but now I can travel.

♦     I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and suffered from chronic migraines for almost 5 years straight. My neurologist in Seattle UW recommended your diet and book and has been working with me to get the right dose of medications so that the side GI side effects are under control. Now I feel so much better all the way around. Head and stomach.

♦     The UW Headache Clinic recommended that I take your class as I was having chronic daily headaches and intermittent migraines. This is a repeat class for. I just wanted to retake the class to make sure I stayed on track. I have been on the elimination phase pretty much since April. I have lost about 70 pounds, waist measurement has gone from 44 inches to 37 inches (now to 36 inches-I measured today).

♦     My most impressive result is this: 106 days without a migraine. Previously I averaged 1-2 migraines a month, so I am enjoying this!

♦     I am feeling much better; no headaches, my energy has returned, my achy joints and muscles are quiet, my mood, stamina and ability to follow through have all greatly improved. I lost 3 lbs the first week and have gone down 1 inch. It is such a relief to be back!

♦     I’ve lost 2 lbs., have less joint pain, headaches have gone away, I’m more relaxed, sleeping better and I have more energy.

♦     I started this way of eating after a coworker lost 50 pounds in 3 months and was free of arthritis pain. I needed to lose weight but was suffering from severe and daily migraines the last several years. I also have fibromyalgia and asthma. It has been less than 3 months and I have lost almost 35 pounds! 7.5” from my waist and hips and inches off the rest of my body. I NO LONGER HAVE MIGRAINES! My asthma isn’t as bad and although I have fibromyalgia, it’s not as bad as it has been and the bouts aren’t as painful. I am turning 40 next week, have slimmed down, years of acne (GONE) and just look and feel fantastic. I will eat this way for the rest of my days. I feel like I have been given a second chance at a great life


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