Digestive Issues

What we choose to eat obviously has an enormous impact on how our digestive system functions. Here are some reports on improvements seen in a range of issues: Colitis, Crohn’s, GERD, Irritable bowel, and general elimination. Improvements have been seen in other conditions as well, such as ulcerative colitis.


♦     No heartburn at all.

♦     No reflux
…and continue to no longer take omeprazole. Cool, huh?

♦     Weight down, body odor gone! No GERD or heartburn.

♦     I have sleep apnea but I’m sleeping more soundly. My GERD and heartburn is 90% better, I feel less bloated and have lost two inches around my waist. 

♦     Hubby has been a Type 2 Diabetic for about 10 years. His doctor prescribed medication but we took the class instead. He had a blood draw the day class started and now after class. Results: His A1c dropped from 9.7 down to 5.8, his Triglycerides dropped from 253 down to 112 and he lost 40 pounds in 16 weeks! He has eliminated the shoulder pain and reflux problems.

♦     I was @198, I’m now 178. I have achieved my goal of going completely off the medicine for GERD. Wow!! I have no pain from the Hiatal Hernia I started with either.

♦     I’ve lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks, I sleep better (no question about it), my knees don’t hurt, my acid re-flux is much better


♦     I saw great benefits on TQI but the best part is that I started feeding my husband this way. He’s a tall skinny guy who suffered from really high cholesterol (350) and colitis. After eating with me this way since October (he really had no choice), his cholesterol is now 212 and he has no colitis



♦     I started noticing results almost immediately. I was recently diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, and after about a week in to the diet my pain begins to reduce dramatically. Now, at the two-week point, my pain is almost nonexistent. In addition to this, I’ve lost 6 pounds and have gained a tremendous amount of energy.

♦     I’ve lost 10 pounds beginning day 12 on the plan, I’ve also lost one inch. My aches and pains continue to diminish. My gout isn’t acting up at all. I’ve had back and hip pain for a few years now, I noticed last night that I am sleeping through the night without pain. My Crohn’s isn’t acting up at all, it seems to like the diet. My stomach isn’t twisting in knots, it stopped rumbling and twisting on Tuesday and hasn’t started up again. 

♦     I have lost 6 lbs so far and the best part is that my Crohn’s episodes have decreased considerably.



♦     I love the way I feel on the TQI diet and plan to use this as my way of life. No more running nose, sleeping like a young girl, no more irritable bowel syndrome

♦     I went from 196 to 175lbs and I have no Gerd anymore. I had a pretty severe case.

♦     I’ve lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks, I sleep better (no question about it), my knees don’t hurt, my acid re-flux is much better, and in another couple of weeks I plan to stop taking dapsone (for Celiac related dermatitis herpetiformis). My IBS symptoms are so minimal that, fingers crossed, I think they are gone for the first time in over a decade. I still habitually sit on the aisle in theaters or lectures, in case I need the restroom, but I have not experienced this problem for several weeks now. This thrills me no end because I like to travel and it was impossible with the symptoms that I was experiencing. I have also lost weight, just over 5 pounds during the course of the class – 12 pounds since I began adjusting my diet a couple of months ago.

♦     I cannot believe I have been feeling this good for a year. I no longer need my allergy or asthma medication, and my blood glucose is slowly falling with a very low dose medication. My IBS is no more and I lost 40 lbs. I feel terrific!



♦     My bowel movements have greatly improved in texture and regularity, which was my primary goal along with 10 lbs of weight loss.

♦     As an added bonus, I lost 20 lbs, which at my age of 87 is quite unusual. And I am regular, regular, regular





Mike Mozart, Creative Commons

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