
Many students have experienced improvements in asthma, seasonal allergies, congestion, post-nasal drip, coughs and such. What follow are just a tiny amount of the reports on benefits seen in these areas.


♦     I cannot believe I have been feeling this good for a year. I no longer need my allergy or asthma medication, and my blood glucose is slowly falling with a very low dose medication. My IBS is no more and I lost 40 lbs. I feel terrific!

♦     The things that have improved for me include relief from arthritis pain in my hands (the reason I took the class), relief from heartburn, seasonal allergies (both winter and summer), I lost 19 pounds and my cholesterol dropped 19 points, seldom have hot flashes and the anxiety that accompanied them, and my memory has improved.

♦     It has been a good week for me. I lost 7 lbs. and two inches off my waist. But the most startling thing has been the reduction in asthma. I have had asthma for 24 years and finally stabilized about 15 years ago with an inhaled steroid/beta agonist taking two puffs/morning and bedtime. About three days into your program I forgot to take my inhalations in the evening, mostly because I felt so good. I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered that I had not taken my medicine, but I felt no symptoms so I decided to continue my normal routine in the morning. When I awoke I felt great so I skipped the meds in the morning as well. Long story short it has been 7 days now without meds—after 24 years of asthma. I have not convinced myself that I am cured, but it is certainly remarkable.

♦     Post-nasal drip and overall stuffiness is gone.

♦     I wanted you to know that the diet is wonderful! I’m not hungry and am losing approximately 3/4 pound per day. My sinus drainage has improved greatly.

♦     My seasonal allergies have quieted, no more morning coughing and no more constant watery and swollen eyes. I have also lost weight, just over 5 pounds during the course of the class.

♦     The most amazing result is the clearing of my sinuses. I wake every morning breathing freely and no longer have to keep a Kleenex close at hand. 

♦     I’m have type 2 diabetes and have cut my insulin about 40%. There is less water retention, specifically less ankle swelling, less knee pain, most days more energy, less phlegm and nasal congestion 

♦     Well, it’s been another wonderful week. Weight loss: 10 pounds in the last three weeks. Nasal congestion: Virtually gone. Energy: Much more sustainable during the day.

♦     One of the things I am most happy about is losing a persistent, hacking, annoying chronic cough. It disappeared quickly on TQI and has stayed away.

♦     My sleep is no longer interrupted by an annoying cough that would present itself around 2am.

♦     After staying on TQI for 2 months (never cheating a molecule) I could literally see and feel the results. I have more energy, my chronic cough ended.


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